Lottery tips to increase your chances of winning!


Stick to lottery numbers you favour but don’t be afraid to modify them.

Quick tips to increase your chances of winning the lottery!

  1. Get more tickets. Purchasing more tickets may sound obvious, but the simple action of buying two instead of one could double your chances of success.
  2. Join a Syndicate. The amount your chances increase when playing in a lottery syndicate is massive, so consider playing as a group.
  3. Avoid consecutive numbers. Mathematics combined with logic, reason and common sense indicates that each number is drawn randomly. So the chances of matching 6 consecutive numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6) is the same as matching 6 random numbers (12,44,9,26,40,16). However actually getting 6 consecutive numbers (subject to the lottery being played) is very difficult. Initial logic makes us believe 6 consecutive numbers are just as likely as any other combination, but in reality it is not because it compounds the odds exponentially after every ball is drawn. Stick to lottery numbers you favour but don’t be afraid to modify them.

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