Lottery Winners: From Then To Now

Most people dream of winning the lottery at some point in their lives…but what would you do with it? Here are stories of 5 past lottery winners. Some people do amazing things but they don’t all have happy endings. In fact, many lottery winners end up blowing it all.1. John Kutey built a water park
After cashing in a $319 million Mega Millions jackpot for a share of $28.7 million in 2011, Kutey and his wife Linda decided to donate a portion of the lottery winnings to build a water park in honour of their parents. They donated $200,000 to construct Spray Park in Green Island, New York, The Albany Times Union reports.
2. Evelyn Adams took her winnings to Atlantic City.
Against all odds, New Jersey native Evelyn Adams won the lottery in back-to-back years – 1985 and 1986 – for a grand total of $5.4 million. Feeling lucky she took her extra cash to the tables and slot machines in Atlantic City but pushed her luck. Today, she’s penniless and residing in a trailer park after gambling it all away.
3. Louise White created a trust and named it after her lucky dessert.
In 2012, 81-year-old Louise White of Newport, Rhode Island, bought rainbow sherbet at Stop N Shop just before purchasing a lottery ticket that would end up being worth $336.4 million. In honour of the lucky dessert, she created “The Rainbow Sherbert Trust,” a trust that would benefit her family.
4. Bob Erb advocated marijuana legalization.
Canadian pot activist Bob Erb became $25 million richer in 2012 after buying a lottery ticket on the way to his father’s funeral in Calgary. He’d been buying tickets for 43 years. The seasonal construction worker planned to continue working and donate his wages to the food bank. He also directed $1 million of his winnings toward 420 Day, an annual event supporting marijuana legalization.
5. Nigel Willetts travelled the world.
With 13m-to-one odds, pub landlord Nigel Willetts won £1 million in 2014 after accidentally grabbing a £20 bill while buying lottery tickets. He used the accidental winnings to travel the world, starting by treating 13 family members to a vacation in Florida over the holidays. Since the holiday trip, he’s been to Mexico and Dubai, and plans to visit Las Vegas to celebrate his 50th birthday.
Have a dream that only money can fulfil? Play the lottery at OneLotto now!
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