Lottery Changes For Charities Promoted By Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell has made a plea to change lottery rules and asks the Government to step in to save endangered charities that help the most vulnerable.
Lottery changes have been suggested by X Factor judge Simon Cowell. He called for rules to be changed to boost society lottery jackpots to £1million so more can be handed to good causes. Simon said: “It’s only a win-win. There’s no argument to not do it.”
He spoke out after meeting the head of a charity. This has been able to provide a lifeline to the elderly after receiving nearly £81,000 from The Health Lottery. Ima Miah, 40, told Simon that she will no longer be able to provide the service to help isolated pensioners if the money dries up.
Simon, 59, said: “After hearing what Ima has to say you just go, ‘Why would you stop that?’ You can’t make a logical argument against it. It’s just crazy.”
Last night Simon invited Ima to his home in Holland Park, west London, where she explained the crisis facing charities. It comes as charities are backing society lotteries in lobbying the Government to give them a fair chance when National Lottery operator Camelot can offer players much bigger prizes.
“Stupid, pathetic rules” are unfairly holding the society lottery back
The UK has almost 500 licensed society lotteries. They raised a staggering £255.6million for good causes in 2017 – an increase of more than 20 percent on the previous year. However, prizes are capped causing a top prize to be no higher than 10 percent of ticket sales.
Simon met Ima when they were guests at a tea party to celebrate The Health Lottery raising more than £100 million for good causes last October. She is the chief executive of the Asian Resource Centre, a community initiative in south London which has received funding for two projects since 2015. The charity helps older Asians to feel less isolated and more connected with their community. It has helped members in the Croydon area to form new friendships through activities including dance classes, yoga, and Tai Chi, as well as coffee mornings.
What do the charities do?
Ima said: “The project has such an impact on so many people’s lives. Social isolation is a killer. If it wasn’t for The Health Lottery we wouldn’t exist. That’s what worries me as our funding is coming to an end very soon.”
The Health Lottery, founded by former Express owner Richard Desmond, has supported half a million people through 2,800 projects since its launch in October 2011.
Organisations running society lotteries include the Air Ambulance Service, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society and Save the Children.
Lotteries also help people with diabetes, asthma and the visually impaired.
Martin Ellice is the group managing director of The Health Lottery. She said that there were “Charities are in danger of closing without further funding. The Government right now are in consultation. We urge the Government to say yes to the £1million jackpot and implement quickly.”